5 Tips to Ensure a Successful Utility Network Implementation
What is the Utility Network (UN)?
- Esri’s next-generation utilities GIS
- Improved capabilities, data modeling, and management
- Designed specifically for utilities
- Services-based architecture allows for cross-platform data access
Have a Plan
- Create your vision
- Plan your transition
- Execute your implementation
Prepare Your Organization
- Organizational readiness is essential
- UN migration will have a large impact on users
- Create an organizational change management plan
Assess Your UN Data Readiness
- Determine if your data is migration-ready
- Data metrics are key
- Identify categories and key data conditions
- Create an action plan to address the issues
Get Familiar With the UN
- Understand the UN data model
- Understand topology rules and how they work
- Consider a jumpstart UN pilot
Prepare for Creating Subnetworks
- Network must be topology enabled
- Identify subnetwork controller features
- Accurate switchable device status is critical
- Consider advanced modeling options
RAMTeCH's Proven UN Data Readiness Solution
Initiate a UN Advantage Program
Implement a UN Jumpstart
Conduct a Data Assessment
For more details on how to be fully prepared for a successful UN
implementation, contact RAMTeCH at business@ramtech-corp.com